Caught exception: The API is returning an invalid status code. HTTP status: 400 Request: Response: No data found for your query parameters. Please check that your SOC code and filter codes are valid. Mapping T-levels to occupations

Mapping T-levels to occupations.

Using Labour Market Information we have mapped T-levels to possible occupation routes.

As part of our ongoing work with FE Colleges and new developments on Careerpilot, we've been spending more time looking at Labour Market Information (LMI) and how we can best present that data to students; to help with their choices for future education and careers.

With the upcoming reforms to post-16 education, we thought it would be interesting to map LMI data to the new T-level programmes.

If you'd like more information about this, or other ways to map LMI data to T-levels, please contact us.

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