Average salary in
versus £0
- Avg. salaryNo. of jobs Types of occupations
- N/a 101,596 Sports coaches, instructors and officials
- £31,200 95,086 Photographers, audio-visual and broadcasting equipment operators
- £32,240 94,867 Graphic designers
- £31,200 81,466 Product, clothing and related designers
- £35,360 80,597 Authors, writers and translators
- £50,440 69,898 Arts officers, producers and directors
- £35,880 57,031 Artists
- N/a 55,917 Fitness instructors
- £57,720 48,574 Actors, entertainers and presenters
- £42,120 37,013 Musicians
- N/a 18,906 Sports players
- £39,520 17,536 Dancers and choreographers
N.E.C. = Not elsewhere classified